Yulin Dog Meat festival

Since many of us know about dog eating festival that helds in China every year.
Let me state some facts about it:

-This festival is also referred as ‘Yulin Dog Meat Festival’ or ‘Lychee and dog meat festival.’ It was inagurated on 21st june 2009 in Yulin, Guangxi.

-This festival begins from 21st june to 30th june.
Which means it lasts for 10 days..

-Just within these 10 days, It is estimated that 10,000 to 15,000 dogs are consumed.

. -Lychee and dog meat festival began over 4000 years ago.

– Chinese believe that dog meat will help ward off the heat felt through the summer months..

-Some local residents believe that the dogs are killed humanly, and there is no harm in consuming dogs meat. It is same as we consume beef.

-But this festival is very much criticised by animal rights supporters.

-Many people have witnessed that dogs are treated inhumanly, they are boiled alive, skinned alive, or some even claim that pet dogs are stolen from households to be consumed, judging by their collars.

-However many social activits, animal right supporters, animal wellfare organizations tries to rescue dogs to save them from this torture.

-Many articles like an article in “Time” said that, “the festival is more than an animal rights issue. It is a public health concern.” Many people consider the consumption of dogs meat is unhealthy.

– It was also reported in 2016 that Humane Society International organised a petition in opposition to the dog eating festival which was signed by 11 million people worldwide.

-George Miller, a Japanese-Australian record producer, singer, songwriter and rapper also known as pink guy
made a song about the festival called “Dog Festival Directions” It appears on the 2017 album Pink Season.

To me, its utterly disgusting and inhumane.
i hope this ends soon..
-Say no to animal abuse. I can’not even look at the pictures of how badly dogs are treated in these 10 days in China.

Imagine them being boiled alive? Its heart wrenching !

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